Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Morning Conversations Part 1

Morning conversations with my "friend" Mr E. Ah yes Mr E put me through some thangs. Most of it was my own fault - due to my obsessive personality and my stupid naivety. We met through a friend of mine when he came up from miami to see her off as she was about to move to new york. Yes i had just then started my work of trying to increase my confidence and all that good stuff so when i was about to leave the club i asked him if he wanted to exchange numbers so that if i was in miami we could meet up. And by that i promise my intentions were pure. Dating was not on my mind and sex was even further. I was still relishing at that point in the joy of having finally gotten over my ex- thats a WHOLE other story. Any way i was just hoping that at most he could introduce me to some good raggae spots and at the least i would probably never hear from him again. And either was fine by me. I was
starting to enjoy being alone...but things went in a totally different direction...

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