Monday, October 20, 2008

Morning Conversations Part 2

Yes things went totally different
than what I expected from Mr. E.

Ok I'm having a memory laps but I know he called me a few weeks later after not hearing from him at all. I usually send out holiday texts to mostly everyone in my contact list from my cell phone. Now I can't remember if he called me after I sent him this text or before. Maybe it was my texting him that prompted his phone call but anywhoo, he began texting me on a regular basis.

At the time I was still working for the test scoring company so basically we would text all day, I mean all day, back and forth. And I will admit it was nice. I liked the attention and I liked getting to know someone new and getting to make new first impressions. He seemed to really "digg" me.

Oh yea, he would tell me how unique I was and how much he wanted to get to know me and become friends. Yes yes yes. And friends, just friends that's all. He told me about his recent break up out of a six year relationship that had really messed him up. Oh and I fell for it yes yes yes. I just didn't know at the time I was falling for it. I thought it was all innocent and nice.

Then the talk got sexual. As you would expect. But it was cool at first just talk. Not really about sex between him and me. Just talk about what we like, what we don't like, what we've done and wanted to do. I liked that too. Then came the pictures. He sent me some pictures of him, and eventually he convinced me to do the same. Oh and he told me how "blessed" I was and what a nice body I had and how he wondered about me...

Damn looking back I don't see how I fell for it. It's so clear now. But I guess it was the SSDD. Yea Same shit different dude, different accent, different culture, just a different twist on the same crap guys always do when the want to bed you. The difference with him as that, he was very persistent. MMMHMM, and I guess that's what I liked.

When he started to suggest to me, in his subtle, and not so subtle ways that he wanted to have sex, or at least fool around or whatever, I told myself I wouldn't do it. Because I KNOW what happens. I would do it and we wouldn't be together and then I would just feel like shit. Another sex partner added to my list and for what? I had prided myself on having so few partners at the time (3) and I didn't want to increase that number. I kept telling myself I would " wait until I'm married" again. Yea like that worked the first time.

So I went down to MIA to visit my good friend and he and I met up. We just hung out, played some basketball (which was also the center point of many of our conversations) and went to eat at IHOP afterward. I just remember thinking how different he was. I wanted to sit next to me in the booth instead of across which was pretty much uncustomary for me. And I liked it, all of it. I liked how he dressed, how he look and spoke. The accent of course, that's always a killer for me.

He kept trying to get me to give him a hug, a good hug, in parking lot when he dropped me off. And that was it. I went back, spent the rest of my weekend with my friend and came home.

So we continued talking on the phone (at some point the texts had developed into additional daily phone calls) and I liked it. I got used to talking to him everyday and I would look forward to it. I mean, allot.

I went back to MIA again because my friend, who I had visited before, was graduating from med school. Awesome right, yea even more awesome because I would see Mr. E again. This time I stayed in hotel. Oh I told myself and everyone else that it was because her place would be to crowded with all her family being there. But somewhere in my subconscious I knew it was because I wanted to be alone with him.

And we were alone. The first night I got there he took me to this Jamaican spot. We ate, drank danced a little and talked. Then we went back to my room laid on the couch and watched tv. We had this little joke going about me being a vampire, (I had recently read Octavia Butler's Fledgling so I was all into that) and that next time I saw him I was going to bite him and turn him.

So while laying there on the couch, my head resting on his chest, he asked for his bite. I began to suck his neck, one of the things he had told me he loved, and then he kissed me. Then this all turned into a huge make out session on the floor. Which moved to some hot and heavy stuff in the bed. But fortunately I was on my period so we didn't have sex. Yey for me. I was strong I resisted... Syke!

The next time I came to MIA just to see him. I got a room. He came to the room. We chilled...more heavy petting, aka hand jobs, making out and what not. Then early the next morning whoops it slipped in. OMG his reaction was priceless. He acted like " Wow I can't believe that just happened, I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it that far" Now I won't lie it wasn't all on him. I encouraged it a bit. But for him to pretend like he didn't want it or he was trying not to let that happen, give me a freakin break.

So then we had sex. It was ok. he came pretty quick, I didn't come at all, as usual. And it was over. We did it a few more times over that weekend and then went to the beach the morning before I left. He doesn't like the water.

Then I wanted to see him again. But dammit I had done all that driving down there to see him I wanted him to come see me. I wanted him to come, desperately. And I let it show. I offered to pay his way and everything. He said no, in his gentlemanly way. Then I offered to pop down there and do some freakishly wonderfuly nasty things to him. And he said no, it was "last minute", his favorite thing to say.

Finally he suggested we meet half way. That's where Naples started. We got a room there, screwed all weekend and just hung out. This happened twice or maybe three times. Then I ended up going down there to see him again.

Each time I would seem him his niceness and gentlemanliness seemed to become less and less. As did the phone calls and texts. He would always want to take me somewhere, buy me something... which I usually turned down just to be nice, that started to go too. The last time I was there, he actually "fell asleep" and never showed up when he was supposed to meet me ( That was the weekend I wanted to surprise him with the Garmin, I had got for him). Its all correlated now that I look back. This all culminated in me telling him that I was in love with him. Am I, was I ? No. I just said it because I didn't like the fact he started talking to me less. He told me blatantly in the beginning that he didn't want a relationship, and that he wasn't as "perfect" as I thought. And he wasn't lying. But I don't know I guess I expected a different outcome since we had had sex. Next time when a guy straight up WARNS me, I'll listen.

So no more nightly conversations on the phone until we both fall asleep. No more daily after work calls while I'm driving to my phlebotomy class and he's on his way to play soccer. No more texting each other all day while we're at work. No more talking for 4 hours straight on lazy Sunday afternoons. Nope...that all came and then faded away. Over the course of about 6 months.

But there's still the Morning Conversations. The damned morning conversations are the most confusing and frustrating thing ever. A while back he asked me to call him in the mornings to wake him up since we both get up around the same time to go to work. I would. At first I would call every morning he would answer and say he would call me back. Then we'd talk on the phone while we both drove to work. Then he quite answering the calls so I just texted. And when I stopped doing either, he would make little comments like he expected me to still wake him up in the mornings. So now I just text him " Good morning" pretty much everyday that I'm going to work and he pretty much always calls me back to talk for about 15 to 20 minutes while we both drive to work. And this is constant.

Every morning although sometimes it's the only time we talk during the day. ( which i guess would be a bit much in any normal situation, I don't talk to any of my other friends that often, not even my mother...but if he didn't call I would be down for the whole day) Every morning.

I just don't get it. He quit talking to me all around, like we used to, like when I thought we were going to be the best of friends. But the calls are consistent. Why does he do it? I mean I don't live in his town so there's no guarantee that he's gonna get some booty if that's all he wants. I think most men would have abandoned it a long time ago and moved onto something more convenient.

Sometimes I think It's just something to do to keep himself awake while he drives.

I don't like him as much anymore. (Cuz he hurt my feewlings) But I'm still attached. My total and utter addiction to/ obsession with him is slowly fading away (Thank God). But I like the calls. And I have a feeling that If he doesn't call. I don't know. I would be relieved. Because that's what I would expect from him. From any man.

All he wanted was sex. And when he got it, the thrill of the chase was over. But I'm still here. So maybe they are just maintenance calls. It could be the fact that I'm moving down to MIA. Just wants to make sure he still has a chance. He's made certain comments like how he wants his birthday present from me to be some .. you know what. And how when I get down there I'm going to give him a massage...etc

And I don't say no. I never do.

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