Sunday, December 13, 2009

Today's Day

Today is Mr E's birthday. So I'm going to call him now and wish him a happy one. It's about 7 am his time so he should be on his way to work. I called him last night around 11pm his time. No answer. I'm sure he was "playing soccer". I have this deep gut feeling that he is really doing something else at times when he tells me he's going to play soccer. I just don't believe him. How can someone who plays soccer 5 times a week, still be complaining of getting fat? This is possible if he is eating huge amounts of food but who knows. What do I care anyway?

I call.
Me: Hi
E: You're up early
Me: I'm always up early
E: sound's like you were partying hard last night
Me: Yea right that's the last thing I would be doing right now
[he couldn't hear me so I repeated this]
Me: Anyway Happy Birthday!
E: Oh you remembered
Me: Um yea I remembered didn't you get my text last night [I texted him happy birthday before I went to sleep]
E: Yea I got your text this morning when I woke up but I figured you would be sleeping so I just...
Me: Mmm
E: Hey give me a minute let me change and call you back

Weird convo. How about thanks for the happy birthday or something. maybe he's not too happy that it's his birthday or maybe he's just an asshole now since I told him he couldn't "give me the vitamin anymore". We'll see. It really annoyed me when he said sounds like I was partying hard. Does he know how stressed out I am about trying to make an A on this final [by the way, I've given up on the A I will settle for a B]. YES but he would make an insensitive comment like that. Maybe he was being sarcastic. I think he was the one partying hard so that was some kind of projection thing onto me. Whatever, I'll see what happens when he calls back. Now time for breakfast.
No call back. Breakfast: oatmeal w/ honey raisins & vanilla, powdered milk no ants. Instant coffee and water. Studied a little biochemistry, the ETC and ROS. Now the coffee is kicking in and energy is expanding inside of me threatening to make me explode if I don't release it somehow. I wish I could go for a run but these old knees won't hold up and the roads are rocky and tortuous. The last thing I need is another injury. Maybe I'll just do some sit ups, push ups, p90x? Yea P90x sounds like a good idea. Ok one more hour of studying and I'll do that.

Random thought: I hate shooting on the far end of the basketball court. The ball always rolls away from you after you a hit a shot because the court is so damn uneven. My gosh, you can feel the baby hills under your feet when you walk across it. They really should have done a better job...people are going to continue to get injured on that messy thing. I think that may have been part of what happened to me. I'm expecting to suffer from arthritis probably in my knees and fingers when I get older. better go take some glucosamine now.
The rest of the day I hardly got any studying done. I'm so ready to be through with these finals. I played my guitar and blogged for many hours of the day, perused facebook for unknown quantities of time, and topped off my escapade of procrastination by watching Dexter and Californication. They killed Rita-totally unexpected. I wonder if they will keep her on the show as a ghost or something next season. I can't wait to see what happens. I was so angry they ended it that way but they usually do leave you with your jaw hanging open. I also made a video for Mr E's birthday. As of 12am his time he hadn't watched it yet. I have a feeling yesterday wasn't a good day for him. But I also have this feeling that he was up to something. Me and my always suspicious self...

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