Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, New Decade, New Me

I didn't blog on the 1st day of the year, though I thought about it and I wanted to I just didn't. For whatever reason.

But this is a new year 2010. And it may seem cliche because I used to make new year resolutions and never really stick to them. But I'm going to change up my resolution type for this year. This year is not going to be about me. This is going to be a year about OTHERS. I feel like I dwell on myself to much and get so caught up in myself it's rediculous.

So this year will be a year of thinking about others, respecting others, finding interest in others, helping and being more friendly to others. Being a better friend. Calling friends and family and at least keeping up once a month. Calling my Mother more. Also my brother and sisters. E-mailing my Dad more. Calling my step dad more. And generally being more responsible.

I will be 26 years old this year. Things need to start changing. I will be in my second year of medical school and as I become closer to being a doctor I need to improve my perception of people and the world. Which means I also want to read more about other people and their lives. Through all of this outward concentration maybe I will learn to be that better person I started out wanting to be last year.

At first I was not going to make any resolutions but after I forgot to pick up my friends who I promised to get from the airport yesterday I realized I needed to make some changes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Curtis here.. just saying hi again!