Friday, February 12, 2010

Apparently she really did like it

So, I'm just about to rest my weary head and get some shut eye, but I get this irresistible urge to check Akiss's blog to see if she has put anything new up. I figure since she had time to write me a decent length e-mail this morning maybe she also added something to her blog. I scroll down to the archives list and see that 2010 now has 8 posts instead of the 7 that it did yesterday. So I click on the latest date and what are my eyes met with "Music is a powerful thing". Yikes! My heart kind of skipped a beat there. At first I was afraid she was going to describe what I had written her in the letter. No she simply put up the lyrics to "Like a Sea". She really liked it! Wow I know the song moved me and really...I'm obsessed with it. I had it on repeat all morning today and all day yesterday. Pretty sick. The headphones didn't come out unless I had to talk to someone or I was in the shower. I thought it was just my weirdness but apparently the song really is that good. She posts poems every once in a while but I'm sure only the ones that are most inspiring to her.

I'm just so surprised and mind boggled really that the song had that kind of affect on her. I thought she was faking it. But she wasn't. What have I gotten myself into.

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