Saturday, November 29, 2008


My sister made and interesting comment to me in one of our conversations the other day. We were discussing religion and she made the comment that there are so many possible religions (beliefs) out there that she could never just chose one. Or at least she couldn't choose one until she was familiar with the majority of them.

I find that she is that way about a lot of things. This goes back to the conversation where I made a generalization about "chop shop" plastic surgeons (that's what I like to call them). Anyway she said that I couldn't possibly say that they all have bad intentions because I haven't met them all.

It's like she never wants to make generalizations, or stand for anything. She can never be sure of something, because she doesn't know for sure. This is an interesting personality trait to me. It's kind of hard to explain but it seems abnormal to me.

I claim myself to be a Christian. Most definetly not a good one but that is my religion. I mark it down when I fill out surveys yadayada. Growing up our Mother made all of us go to church most Sundays. When I got to college I stopped going to church mostly because I didn't want to , didn't want to feel guilty, and because well I have alittle problem with chruches. But I still believe in God and what the Bible says is true. We were sort of taught not to question it. I have never truly questioned it because I think it's just something you have to believe. Proof is in the mericales of nature all around us. Its about faith not science. I am able to separate the two in my mind.

My sister on the other hand. I'm not sure she is. She just doesn't believe in heaven and hell. In otherwords how could this belief be correct and others like Islam for example, be wrong. Many people I can understand this do not want to believe this. And I'm not sure if I know it would be true either. It seems that God would not be so nice if all other people, even muslim would be sent to hell because they truly believe in their relgion and not in Christianity as we know it.

And who know maybe I am wrong about me religious choice. But I think its abot more than that. It's about keeping yourself accountable. And it is a very complicated an diffucult thing to think about. I believe in the ten commandments and I believe in sin and punishment for sin. But mostly follwing Christianity cannot be harmful. It's meant to give you moral guidelines on how to treat yourself and other people.

Other religions do this also. My sister also made the argument that some Christians do evil things in the name of christianity, and also judge people for not accepting Christianity. I don't read my Bible much now adays but I do remember learning in Church that we are not suppoed to judge other people. That is left up to God. And the Jesus Christ, who we are supposed to follow as an example never looked down on people who where not believers. He always accepted them and even fellowshiped with them. The point I was making in that is that you cannot associate the behaviors of certain people with the religion itslef. You can only go to the book whcih tells you how to behave. People have done all types of evil things in the name of Chrisitanity, slavery being one of them. That is just human nature, and the nature of man is evil (which the Bible will also tell you). People have done just the same in the name of other religions. Look at the terrorist attacks that are going on now.

As much as she likes to talk about not making generalizations or being prejudice towards groups of people she does the same herself and doesn't realize it. She cannot separate these things in her mind. But now she has a grudge against religions because some people can be lead to do terrible things by them.

The curious thing to me though, is how did I end up being such a believer in Christianity and my own sister completely rejects it? She said she believe in a higher power, I think, but not necessarily the Christian God that I know. Maybe I'm just more accepting. And I'm not even sure it's that. I just can't find any good reason to reject it. I mean what harm is it doing if you truly follow Christianity the way its supposed to be.


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