Friday, January 22, 2010

The Past 2 Weeks

Ok, here I'm going to give an account of the past two weeks..since I've been back in Dominica.

Right now I'm lying in bed waiting for my Ramen noodles to finish cooking in the microwave. I'm simultaneously trying to get episodes of Heroes and Big Love as well ask talking to my new Chinese friend Rockwell that I met on Omegle. Earlier this evening I played basketball. 3 games. We lost the last game and won the one before that because me teamates had more energy during the first game. I was playing pretty crappy, making a lot of mistakes and soon no one wanted to pass me the ball. We also lost the first game. These were just full court pickup games. There are alot of guys playing now. I'm usually the only female out there.

Before I went to play basketball I was with Regina and her kids. Regina was keeping one of her kids friends and he fell and dislocated his elbow joint...or humero-ulnar whatever joint. Yea. That must have sucked for her but I think she'll be fine and the boy will be alright. Before that we were at a church BBQ on campus. I borrowed her son so we could skip the line. Definitely a benefit of having children. We studied and one of the rooms for most of that morning.

This morning I got a call from my "Stalker" I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned him on here. Anyway he's one of the security guards that took a liking to me. He's done me a few favors. For example, at the end of last semester I had forgotten to pick up my passport from the immigration lady/office. It was the weekend and my flight was that Sunday so I would have been screwed had he not gone and picked up the woman that worked in the office from her home and brought her to campus so she could get it for me. So I kind of owed him. I took him to dinner before I left. This morning however he called me for the first time since I've been back and asked me to borrow 150 EC (roughly 70 US). So I lent it to him. That was today's day. Nothing super cool other than that happened. Except I keep seeing this one girl around campus, she's really cute and I don't know her name but she always smiles and says hi when she sees me. I met her last semester because her and some other people were in the room that I was supposed to tutor in but since no one showed up I just ended up helping them out with some questions. Anyway I thought she was cute at the time but I don't know. I always get my signals crossed...she could just be a friendly person so I best not get my hopes up too much.

Yesterday was pretty much more of the same. Studying in the room, and I had to go to class for student presentation of patients seen Monday. I also spent some time in the bank. Oh yes and I'm talking to Mr. E alot on the phone now. He told me he loves me. Ha Ha. I don't remember what day this was. A few days ago. Anyway we were sending each other messages on facebook. I mentioned something about him not liking me that much and only wanting to get in my pants. He claims I hurt his feelings and later said I love u just wanted to let you know that incase something happens. Just wow. I don't even know what to think. So yea, we'll see where this goes. He's basically acting like I'm his girlfriend but he doesn't want to put a label on it or so he says. I'm just so ... skeptical right now.

I havn't been going to class since the kicked my out of the mediasite-from-home program my study habits are all screwed up. I'm still trying to figure out how to do this. I think I better just start going to class or else I'm going to get soo behind. I already am behind. I've just been staying up so late (some times after 3 am) on Omegle. Yes Omegle. It's the coolest thing, you chat with random annonymous people. I've had some interesting conversations...and that's also how I met Gill this bi 19 year old girl from Boston. We've been e-mailing back and fourth alot.

I finally got to see two real patients in school. That was Monday. I need to practice my clinical skills seriously. But it's cool. I'll have time to work on it. Hmm what else to say.

I went out, that Friday after I got here. With Lenny, I think he liked me at first but I'm sure after I made an ass of myself at the party he doesn't anymore. But it's cool. I don't think I was that into him. But there is this other guy I actually do like. Ken. He's African, kind of quiet and sexy. We played pool at the party but now when I see him I'm so quiet. Probably because I'm sober. He must think I'm a total mess. But whatever can't change the past.

Ok I'm tired of typing. I'm sure there was more but oh well. Time to eat my Ramen.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, New Decade, New Me

I didn't blog on the 1st day of the year, though I thought about it and I wanted to I just didn't. For whatever reason.

But this is a new year 2010. And it may seem cliche because I used to make new year resolutions and never really stick to them. But I'm going to change up my resolution type for this year. This year is not going to be about me. This is going to be a year about OTHERS. I feel like I dwell on myself to much and get so caught up in myself it's rediculous.

So this year will be a year of thinking about others, respecting others, finding interest in others, helping and being more friendly to others. Being a better friend. Calling friends and family and at least keeping up once a month. Calling my Mother more. Also my brother and sisters. E-mailing my Dad more. Calling my step dad more. And generally being more responsible.

I will be 26 years old this year. Things need to start changing. I will be in my second year of medical school and as I become closer to being a doctor I need to improve my perception of people and the world. Which means I also want to read more about other people and their lives. Through all of this outward concentration maybe I will learn to be that better person I started out wanting to be last year.

At first I was not going to make any resolutions but after I forgot to pick up my friends who I promised to get from the airport yesterday I realized I needed to make some changes.